Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Galway and the Cliffs of Moher

May 5th- 7th

So our last trip in Ireland before heading off on our travels was to Galway with the main stop being the Cliffs of Moher. Galway was such a cool little city. It is the 4th largest city on the Island and you can walk across the city center in about 5- minutes if you don’t stop to check out all the neat little boutiques, coffee shops, and restaurants. The town had a very hippy like style to it and was very easy going, friendly and full of culture. The main sights in the city itself were the cathedral and the pedestrian shop streets.

Our second day there, we took a bus tour out of the city and into the Burren country sides of County Galway and County Clare. The landscape was very different from the rest of Ireland as it was strewn with limestone rock. The first stop was to the Aillwee Caves where we took the tourist version of spelunking. In the Caves we got to see the remains of a brown bear which haven’t been on the island for 1000years. We also snapped some photos of the “Frozen Waterfall” (a limestone formation), eerie stalactites and stalagmites and an underground waterfall. The caves were really neat, but the main stop of the trip was the Cliffs of Moher…THE CLIFFS OF INSANITY (The Princess Bride). Yes these are the same cliff that Wesley chased Fesik, Iningo, and Vecini all the way up while trying to save Buttercup. The Cliffs are 214M high and are one of the most breathtaking views we have ever seen.

Next stop, London!

Galway Cathedral

Galway City Centre

The Burren Sea side

The underground waterfall at Aliwee Caves

The Cliffs of INSANITY...I mean Moher

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